Bridegroom knocks open the door to Jesus

Open The Door to Jesus to Begin a Marvelous Journey

The Covenant We Make When We Open the Door to Jesus Open the door to Jesus has led me on a marvelous journey. It has filled my heart with a joy I never knew was possible. Embracing this path has transformed me into a happier, more fulfilled version of myself. It’s truly amazing to witness…


Jesus the Bridegroom, Astonishing New Perspective

Have you ever thought about Jesus as your Bridegroom? Jewish wedding customs have long been recognized as a pattern of Christ’s redemption. , Learning about Jewish traditions caused me to reconsider my relationship with Christ. Do I love Him for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, for better or worse? These are things I…

Betrothal of Jesus featured image

Betrothal of Jesus: Surprising New Perspective

I am amazed at how many scriptures speak about Jesus as the bridegroom and his betrothal to the church. I wanted to learn more and better understand Jesus’s teachings. Jesus often used marriage to symbolize his relationship with the church. He also used it to symbolize his relationship with the people of Israel. So, I…

Genesis creation

How to Prove Genesis’s Creation is Scientific

What if I told you Genesis’s Creation account is consistent with science. Here are 2 scientific laws that prove it.

Power of Jesus's Grace

How Jesus’s Grace Empowers Us to Change Our Life

Jesus’s grace gives us the power to be saved. Yes, it is a gift, but it is also a promise. A promise that He will help us to become all He expects us to become.

Faith at Red Sea

Little Known Story of Faith At The Red Sea

Wonderful Story of Faith at the Red Sea you have probably never heard before.

dinosaur fossils

Astonishing New Theory for Dinosaur Fossils

New scientific discoveries may prove an alternate origin for dinosaur fossils. Dinosaurs may have never lived on the earth. See what you think?

Evolutionary Accident

Is The Astonishing Human Body An Evolutionary Accident?

Review the unique systems in the human body and decide if this engineering marvel was created by an evolutionary accident?

powerful Jewish Groups

4 Powerful Jewish Groups At the Time of Christ

Jesus contended with 4 powerful Jewish groups. We can understand His life and teachings better if we understand who He was speaking to.

Moses Prince of Egypt

New Insights About Moses Prince of Egypt

Moses Prince of Egypt. Historians give us more details about Moses’ life in Egypt. Details not found in the Bible. Discover these remarkable insights for yourself.

Prophesied Disasters

Prophesied Disasters, Secret to Survival

Sirens screams in the distance a prophesied Disaster has happened. Are you prepared?
Your family is depending on you. This is one secret to survival you can do today.

5 ways to become a peacemaker

5 Powerful Ways to Become a Peacemaker

We live in is a world full of anger and contention. How can we become a peacemaker like Jesus expects us to be. Here are 5 powerful ways to succeed as a peacemaker.