My Search for a Church, Which One Is Right?
I have always believed in God. When I look around, I see a beautiful world. Yet, I also see evil people. I speak to many who do not believe in God. How can that be? The world has become a spiritual wilderness. Some believe what science has told them. Yet, I find fault with the theories science presents as facts. For most of my life, I have struggled searching for truth.
If we have a purpose, I need to know what that purpose is. I believe that God would give us insights into who and what He is, and those insights would come in the form of a religious organization. To be honest, I have been disappointed in this pursuit.
This website attempts to share many insights about God and the Bible I have discovered. I hope you will come along with me on this spiritual journey. It has been an amazing ride.
My Search For a Church
As a child, my big brother and I walked to church each Sunday. Mom and Dad joined us on Christmas and Easter. We attended the Lutheran Church a few blocks from our home.
When I was 12, I attended catechism class Saturday mornings. One Saturday I asked the minister to explain the Holy Ghost to me. He asked me to stay after class so he could answer my question. The minister was a good man, and he gave me a 20-minute lecture about the Holy Ghost.
As I walked home, I said to myself, “He doesn’t know any more about the Holy Ghost than I do. He should not be my teacher.” Now, I was only 12. I didn’t know much. I just knew he didn’t know either. That was the beginning of my search for a church.
Churches I Chose Not to Join and Why
When I got home, I asked mother why she and dad did not attend the Catholic Church where they were raised. She said “We’re not comfortable in the Catholic Church. Here is a Catholic catechism book. I will take you there if you want.”
You see, whenever my aunts visited, I would attend the Catholic Church with them. I knew they prayed to Saints and to the Virgin Mary. I also knew somewhere in the Bible it said, “Jesus is the only mediator.” So, with that in mind the Catholic Church was eliminated.
Two years later, I discovered a neighbor was a Jehovah Witness. I went to her house twice a week to talk to a missionary from her church. The missionary talked about the books of Daniel and Revelations. She taught me things I had not learned in the Lutheran Church. But after 8 weeks, I knew this church was not for me either.
The God I knew was loving and merciful but also Just. The church I was looking for would have to make sense to both my mind and my heart.
My Search for a Church Continued
When I was 18, I began taking classes at Florida Bible College. I was able to borrow books from their extensive library. After quite a bit of research I realized I believed the Bible. Therefore, I figured I must be a Christian. But I still had not found the church I was looking for. In many ways my search for a church was just beginning.
I experienced a deep dissatisfaction with the discrepancies between the Bible and the entrenched beliefs of the Christian churches. I might add, I have continued to study the Bible as well as other religions. I particularly enjoy Bible history and the science found in the Bible.
I am still an armature. But have have developed some unique ideas about Christianity and the Bible. I would like to share these thoughts with you.
To write this website frightens me in several ways. I have learned so much that I want to share. But sharing it with the world is scary. I know the world does not like those of us with faith. Sometimes I believe our faith frightens them, so they attack us.
In Conclusion
I suspect many of you have had similar journeys. Many of you search for a church. Some of you probably struggle with questions about the Bible and Christianity. We need to stick together. We must share our faith and our journeys. I think there are many more of us than the current media would like you to think.
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Check out: 4 Questions to Ask before joining a church
For more about my Faith See: Faith the Ultimate Journey to Peace.
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