Israelites Enslaved in Egypt (5 reasons why)
Learn why the Israelites enslaved by the Egyptian Pharaoh 3000 years ago.
Learn why the Israelites enslaved by the Egyptian Pharaoh 3000 years ago.
The story of how we got our Bible is fascinating. The amazing Bible was first written by the Hebrews.
Do Our Thoughts About the Afterlife Affect How We Live? Humans have a fascination with death. We worry about it, wonder about it, maybe even fantasize about it. The afterlife is the great unknown. It has stirred men’s imaginations throughout the centuries. For some it brings unimaginable fear. Questions about the afterlife are common themes…
My search for a church took a long time. My love for the bible was the foundation of all my questions. To know Jesus better was my goal.
The ten plagues of Egypt were like ecological dominoes. Each plague disrupted the environment and triggered the next plague. In this remarkable story we find science agrees with the Bible. The Pharaoh of Egypt had enslaved the Israelites for over 100 years. However, God promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He would bring their posterity out…
Deborah Made a Difference Deborah was a brave and righteous woman, who served both her God and her county. Deborah is one of the few women in the Bible called a prophetess. She lived in a time of great anxiety. Canaan had terrorized northern Israel for 20 years. Israelites could no longer walk the highways…
We all seek ultimate Peace. My journey to faith helped me find Peace. Jesus promised us a unique kind of peace. A peace which requires faith.
Two Eye Opening Secrets to a Lasting Marriage John and I were married for 55 years before his death. I will be the last person to tell you that marriage is easy. John and I were opposites. I came from a college-educated wealthy family. Neither of John’s parents graduated high school. My family was Republicans…
Yes, this is a legitimate question. If we learned one thin in 2020; The government can take away our freedom of movement. They can quarantine whole cities. Are you Prepared?