Bridegroom knocks open the door to Jesus

Open the Door to Jesus: A Transformative Journey

The Covenant We Make When We Open the Door to Jesus When I open the door to Jesus, I discovered a profound sense of joy in the person I’ve grown into. Embracing this journey has truly transformed me, allowing me to be a happier and better version of myself. It’s incredible to see how faith…


Jesus as the Bridegroom, Astonishing New Perspective

Have you ever thought about Jesus as your Bridegroom? Jewish wedding customs have long been recognized as a pattern of Christ’s redemption. , Learning about Jewish traditions caused me to reconsider my relationship with Christ. Do I love Him for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, for better or worse? These are things I…

Power of Jesus's Grace

The Power of Jesus’s Grace to Change your Life

Jesus’s grace gives us the power to be saved. Yes, it is a gift, but it is also a promise. A promise that He will help us to become all He expects us to become.

powerful Jewish Groups

4 Powerful Jewish Groups At the Time of Christ

Jesus contended with 4 powerful Jewish groups. We can understand His life and teachings better if we understand who He was speaking to.