How to Prove Genesis’s Creation is Scientific

How to Prove Genesis’s Creation is Scientific
Have you ever been told that the creation story in Genesis is unscientific? Were you frustrated because you didn’t have an answer to that challenge?
“Could the creation story in Genesis from the Bible align with scientific explanations?”
Religion and science often seem incompatible. This poses a challenge for Christians who believe in the power of God as depicted in the Bible. What if I told you that the Genesis creation story aligns with two scientific laws?
The next ideas might help you meet that challenge.
Is God a Master Scientist?

As Christians, we claim God is all-powerful and all-knowing. What if we extend that belief to consider God a Master Scientist? God knows and understands all scientific laws. Why would He not use the laws He instituted to create the Earth?
The universe God created is consistent and orderly. The laws of science are tools we use for explanations. They help describe the predictable and systematic laws instituted by a Superior Intelligence.
We shouldn’t be surprised when God’s miracles align with the laws of science. God created the scientific principles that apply to our Earth.
God is not a genie in a bottle nor a magician with a magic wand. He is a Master Scientist who performs miracles using His considerably greater scientific knowledge.
Scientists are only beginning to comprehend the scientific laws God mastered long before He created the Earth.
Was Light Necessary for
Genesis’s Creation?

According to the Bible, God began with light. “And God said let there be light: and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)
Until 1905, scientists struggled to grasp the fundamental nature of light. Albert Einstein was the first scientist to propose that light was composed of tiny particles of energy and matter. He called these particles photons. Other scientists considered Einstein’s insight into the nature of light radical at the time.
Today scientists acknowledge Einstein’s theory of light to be correct. The concept that light comprises miniature particles of energy and matter is universally accepted. Modern-day scientists recognize that nothing can be created without light.
So, the Bible got it right.
Genesis’s Creation and The Quantum Theory of Light.
The quantum theory of light describes light as composed of energy and small packets of matter. When light is compressed, it becomes liquefied; if further compressed, it becomes solid. Scientists have discovered the waves emanating from solid matter are the same as light waves.
Today, many scientists believe that everything on Earth is made up of light.
God used light energy to fuel the organization of the heavens. God also used the particles found in light to create the solid materials found on Earth.
Yes, that means even you are made of light. When Jesus says “Let your light shine before men,” he may have a more literal meaning.
A Second Scientific Law Helps Explain Genesis’s Creation

The scientific Law of Conservation of Energy and Mass declares no new matter exists in the universe.
Scientists began understanding this law of physics in 1789. Antoine Lavoisier discovered that matter could change composition. However, the elements were never destroyed. This law asserts that the elements in matter cannot be created or destroyed. Elements can be transformed, organized, and reorganized, but the chemical elements in the cosmos stay constant.
Here is an illustration of how this law works. Carbon atoms may spend thousands of years buried deep in the Earth as coal. Once brought to the surface, the coal can be burned to create electricity. Then the carbon atoms found in the smoke are dispersed into the atmosphere. Later falling into the ocean and dissolved. Over time, algae absorb the carbon atoms, fish eat the algae, and man eats the fish.
The carbon atom was neither created nor destroyed as it moved from one form to another. Instead, it continues to be recycled. All the elements that make up the Earth are continually recycled. This occurs from the highest mountain to the deepest cave.
How Does This Law Affect Our Understanding of Genesis’s Creation?

For centuries, the common belief was that God created the heavens and the Earth from nothing (ex nihilo). Modern science recognizes this is impossible. Therefore, based on this law of physics, God created the Earth using existing elements.
Once God established light, He created the firmament. “And God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters. Let it divide the waters from the waters.”
And God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered together in one place. Let the dry land appear.” (Genesis 1: 6-9)
The “waters” might be space rock and gases found in nebulae, which exist throughout the universe. The Bible does not say what the firmament consists of. However, the “waters” and the “firmament” clearly represent something tangible that already existed.
The firmament was not created magically from thin air. The Bible uses the terms “divided” and “gathered,” implying that God organized Earth from raw materials found in space. The “waters” already existed and were brought together in one place, and the dry land appeared.
Even Man was not created from nothing. According to the Bible. “God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7)

When you read Genesis’s creation account through a scientist’s eyes, you realize something. God does not magically create things from nothing. Instead, he uses available elements to organize matter into land, plants, animals, and man.
The deeper your comprehension of scientific concepts, the stronger your appreciation for the magnificent miracles of God’s creations will become.
Christian Searcher
Fun fact: Have you ever wondered about the first verse of Genesis? It reads, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
When translating the Bible, the King James committee chose to translate the Hebrew word “Barua” as created. However, “Barua” can also be translated as organized.
We discussed today’s scientific laws above. Considering this, perhaps a better translation might be, “In the beginning, God organized the heavens and the earth.”
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