The Power of Jesus’s Grace to Change your Life

The Power of Jesus’s Grace to Change your Life

Jesus’s grace gives us the power to be saved. Yes, it is a gift, but it is also a promise. A promise that He will help us to become all He expects us to become.

5 Powerful Ways to Become a Peacemaker

5 Powerful Ways to Become a Peacemaker

We live in is a world full of anger and contention. How can we become a peacemaker like Jesus expects us to be. Here are 5 powerful ways to succeed as a peacemaker.

I Attend Church to Empower My Love of Christ

I Attend Church to Empower My Love of Christ

I attend church because it helps strengthen my faith in Christ, feel a sense of belonging, serve others more effectively, and keep the Sabbath day holy.

The Devastating Loss When Our Church Failed Us

The Devastating Loss When Our Church Failed Us

What do we do when our church failed us?
This can be a devastating and confusing time. We must decide on a new path.

Heaven, Test Your Knowledge 5 simple questions

Heaven, Test Your Knowledge 5 simple questions

The Bible does not tell us much about Heaven.But a few interesting detail are available.See how much you know. Here’s The Quiz About Heaven Read other Bible verses about heaven at: A Heavenly Joke One of my favorite jokes refers to revelations 21:21. St. Peter came to a very rich man and informed him…

5 Fundamentals of Christian Faith

5 Fundamentals of Christian Faith

5 basic beliefs of Christian Faith will unlock the power of the Holy Ghost to guide you and help you discover the peace Jesus brings to all who believe.

Afterlife’s Fascinating Impact on How We Live

Afterlife’s Fascinating Impact on How We Live

Do Our Thoughts About the Afterlife Affect How We Live? Humans have a fascination with death. We worry about it, wonder about it, maybe even fantasize about it. The afterlife is the great unknown. It has stirred men’s imaginations throughout the centuries. For some it brings unimaginable fear. Questions about the afterlife are common themes…

Lasting Marriage, 2 Magic Secretes You Can Start Today

Lasting Marriage, 2 Magic Secretes You Can Start Today

Two Eye Opening Secrets to a Lasting Marriage John and I were married for 55 years before his death. I will be the last person to tell you that marriage is easy. John and I were opposites. I came from a college-educated wealthy family. Neither of John’s parents graduated high school. My family was Republicans…