Faith at Red Sea

Little Known Story of Faith At The Red Sea

Wonderful Story of Faith at the Red Sea you have probably never heard before.

Moses Prince of Egypt

New Insights About Moses Prince of Egypt

Moses Prince of Egypt. Historians give us more details about Moses’ life in Egypt. Details not found in the Bible. Discover these remarkable insights for yourself.

Jonah Convert Nineveh

How Jonah in the Bible Converted the Evil City of Nineveh

Jonah in the Bible converted the king and the entire city of Nineveh in 3 days. I’m not sure how to explain it, but this is a possible answer.

Deborah trusted God

Deborah A Biblical Example of a Strong Woman

Deborah Made a Difference Deborah was a brave and righteous woman, who served both her God and her county. Deborah is one of the few women in the Bible called a prophetess. She lived in a time of great anxiety. Canaan had terrorized northern Israel for 20 years. Israelites could no longer walk the highways…