5 ways to become a peacemaker

5 Powerful Ways to Become a Peacemaker

We live in is a world full of anger and contention. How can we become a peacemaker like Jesus expects us to be. Here are 5 powerful ways to succeed as a peacemaker.

attend church

I Attend Church to Empower My Love of Christ

I attend church because it helps strengthen my faith in Christ, feel a sense of belonging, serve others more effectively, and keep the Sabbath day holy.

church failed us feature

The Devastating Loss When Our Church Failed Us

What do we do when our church failed us?
This can be a devastating and confusing time. We must decide on a new path.

Rebekah amazing woman of faith

Rebecca, Amazing Woman of Faith

Rebekah was a woman of faith. We find her story in the Bible. She was beautiful, kind and courageous, but she also made mistakes that cost her dearly. Learn more.

heaven test

Heaven, Test Your Knowledge 5 simple questions

The Bible does not tell us much about Heaven.But a few interesting detail are available.See how much you know. Here’s The Quiz About Heaven Read other Bible verses about heaven at: https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/heaven-bible-verses/ A Heavenly Joke One of my favorite jokes refers to revelations 21:21. St. Peter came to a very rich man and informed him…

evolution fearless perspective

Theory of Evolution a Fearless Christian Perspective

Just like you, the theory of evolution was presented in school as a scientific fact. I guess I am somewhat a rebel because I never believed in evolution. When I was in 10th grade, I had several discussions with my biology teacher, who claimed to be a Christian who believed in evolution. At 16 I…

dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls Astonishing New Evidence

The Dead Sea Scrolls offer New Evidence of the Bible’s authenticity and many more books for us to learn from.

amazing bible

Where Did Our Amazing Bible Come From?

The story of how we got our Bible is fascinating. The amazing Bible was first written by the Hebrews.

search for a church

My Search for a Church, Which One Is Right?

My search for a church took a long time. My love for the bible was the foundation of all my questions. To know Jesus better was my goal.

Plagues of Egypt

10 Plagues of Egypt Can Be Scientifically Proven

The ten plagues of Egypt unfolded like a dramatic chain reaction in an ecological thriller. Each plague wreaked havoc on the environment, setting off a domino effect that led to the next calamity. It was a powerful reminder of how interconnected our world truly is! In this remarkable story we find science agrees with the…

Deborah trusted God

Deborah A Biblical Example of a Strong Woman

Deborah Made a Difference Deborah was a brave and righteous woman, who served both her God and her county. Deborah is one of the few women in the Bible called a prophetess. She lived in a time of great anxiety. Canaan had terrorized northern Israel for 20 years. Israelites could no longer walk the highways…

Faith ultimate journey to peace

Faith, The Ultimate Journey to Peace

We all seek ultimate Peace. My journey to faith helped me find Peace. Jesus promised us a unique kind of peace. A peace which requires faith.