Where Did Our Amazing Bible Come From?
Hebrews Wrote Our Amazing Bible
The Bible is the most influential book ever written. No other literary work rivals the Bible in, its moral relevance, its longevity, or its religious depth. It is the foundational text of Christianity and Judaism and accepted as divinely inspired scripture.
We can read our amazing Bible today because the Hebrews wrote it and preserved it.
It was not easy to live the Hebrew religion. Other religions were much more entertaining. But the Hebrews persisted in keeping records of the words of the prophets. Those records became the amazing Bible we enjoy today.
The Hebrews were a peculiar people. They practiced a very unique religion.
Let me tell you a little about the religions of the non-Israelites living in Palestine during old and new testament times. In the Bible, these people are sometimes referred to as Gentiles.
Idolatry Surrounded The Hebrews
First, let me explain that Gentiles believed in many gods.
One popular god was Baal. Baal was metal statue which stood in the middle of his temple. This statue was heated until it was red hot. Part of the ceremony was for a priest to place a child or infant in the statues arms to be burned alive. This ritual was accompanied by drums, chanting, dancing and music. This, to me, is a strange form of entertainment.
If the audience became bored with that entertainment, they could attend the temple of the fertility goddess (Isis, Aphrodite). At this temple erotic music and dancing was accompanied by public prostitution. Both men and women were recruited for these naked performances. This was real live pornography.
In some cities girls were not permitted to marry until they had served as prostitutes for the fertility goddess. Prostitution was a major source of income for pagan priests.
When the people tired of just watching, they could go to the Groves. There they could get drunk, strip naked, and join in the orgy.
It’s amazing with that kind of carnal entertainment so readily available how many Israelites were willing to maintain their relatively sedate religion.
Israelite Religion Was Unique
- Israelites believed in prophets and their prophets kept records. You must remember writing was not easy. They did not have computers. Most records were kept on papyrus or leather which was rolled onto sticks. These are called scrolls. The ink was homemade. The pen was a stylus (sometimes a feather) which must be repeatedly dipped into the ink.
A lot of hard work went into keeping these records.
2. Most Hebrew children were taught to read or at least memorize and recite the words of the prophets.
3. Rabbis were teachers not entertainers. The religion of Jehovah was boring compared to other religions of the day.
4. The Hebrews preserved the prophetic records. Many scribes were employed in copying and re-copying the words of the prophets.
5. Jewish scribes also translated the books from Hebrew into other languages, like Aramaic and Greek.
6. The Jews are also responsible for our New Testament. Jesus and all the apostles were Jews. Christianity began as a sect of Judaism.
Let’s Thank The Hebrews For Our Amazing Bible
The foundation of Christianity can be traced to the Israelites. They paved the way for our Christian beliefs.
The Hebrews diligently kept the records of the Holy Prophets. They preserved the records through centuries of wars and persecutions. Babylon, Greece and Rome all tried to burn their books and destroy their temples. Yet, the Jews remained undeterred.
It is because the Hebrews preserved prophetic records that we even have a our amazing Bible.
Therefore, we should thank the Hebrews.
Check out this video: Can we Trust the Bible-One Hope
See my post about faith
I realize some of you are angry because the Jews crucified our Lord. But we can’t disregard the Hebrew’s contribution to our Bible and to Christianity.
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