
Jesus the Bridegroom, Astonishing New Perspective

Have you ever thought about Jesus as your Bridegroom? Jewish wedding customs have long been recognized as a pattern of Christ’s redemption. , Learning about Jewish traditions caused me to reconsider my relationship with Christ. Do I love Him for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, for better or worse? These are things I…

Betrothal of Jesus featured image

Betrothal of Jesus: Surprising New Perspective

I am amazed at how many scriptures speak about Jesus as the bridegroom and his betrothal to the church. I wanted to learn more and better understand Jesus’s teachings. Jesus often used marriage to symbolize his relationship with the church. He also used it to symbolize his relationship with the people of Israel. So, I…

Genesis creation

How to Prove Genesis’s Creation is Scientific

What if I told you Genesis’s Creation account is consistent with science. Here are 2 scientific laws that prove it.

Faith at Red Sea

Little Known Story of Faith At The Red Sea

Wonderful Story of Faith at the Red Sea you have probably never heard before.

dinosaur fossils

Astonishing New Theory for Dinosaur Fossils

New scientific discoveries may prove an alternate origin for dinosaur fossils. Dinosaurs may have never lived on the earth. See what you think?

powerful Jewish Groups

4 Powerful Jewish Groups At the Time of Christ

Jesus contended with 4 powerful Jewish groups. We can understand His life and teachings better if we understand who He was speaking to.

Moses Prince of Egypt

New Insights About Moses Prince of Egypt

Moses Prince of Egypt. Historians give us more details about Moses’ life in Egypt. Details not found in the Bible. Discover these remarkable insights for yourself.

Jonah Convert Nineveh

How Jonah in the Bible Converted the Evil City of Nineveh

Jonah in the Bible converted the king and the entire city of Nineveh in 3 days. I’m not sure how to explain it, but this is a possible answer.

Rebekah amazing woman of faith

Rebecca, Amazing Woman of Faith

Rebekah was a woman of faith. We find her story in the Bible. She was beautiful, kind and courageous, but she also made mistakes that cost her dearly. Learn more.

heaven test

Heaven, Test Your Knowledge 5 simple questions

The Bible does not tell us much about Heaven.But a few interesting detail are available.See how much you know. Here’s The Quiz About Heaven Read other Bible verses about heaven at: A Heavenly Joke One of my favorite jokes refers to revelations 21:21. St. Peter came to a very rich man and informed him…

evolution fearless perspective

Theory of Evolution a Fearless Christian Perspective

Just like you, the theory of evolution was presented in school as a scientific fact. I guess I am somewhat a rebel because I never believed in evolution. When I was in 10th grade, I had several discussions with my biology teacher, who claimed to be a Christian who believed in evolution. At 16 I…

dead Sea Scrolls

Dead Sea Scrolls Astonishing New Evidence

The Dead Sea Scrolls offer New Evidence of the Bible’s authenticity and many more books for us to learn from.